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Things/Get (List)

GET /odata/Things


Gets a list of Things.

See the following for request and response details ‒


Response ‒ Things/Get (List)

Property Type Description Mandatory Instance Type
productId String The unique identifier of the Template to which this Thing belongs. This ID is returned in response to the ThingsTemplates/Post request. Y Device


productName String The name of the Product to which this Thing belongs. This name was set using the Products/Post request. Device
serialNumber String The serial number of this Thing. Device
groupId String The ID of the Group to which the Thing belongs. Not in use Device
active Boolean Specifies whether the Thing is active, meaning that it can be used – True/False. Not in use Device


firstTimeRegistrationDate Date Time Offset Specifies the date when this Thing was first registered. Not in use Device
activationDate Date Time Offset Specifies the date when this Thing first became active. Not in use Device
commandsProtocol String/Enum The protocol used by the Axonize Device SDK to connect to the cloud. The default is AMQP. The options are as follows –

  • Undefined
  • HTTP
  • AMQP
  • Modbus
  • SNMP
  • Test
lastReadingTime Date The time that the last reading was received by the Axonize Server from the Thing. Device


isConnected Boolean Indicates the Device’s connectivity status to the Axonize Server. True indicates that the Device responded to the most recent keepAlive ping by the Axonize Server.

Each Device’s Product has a keepAlive field that indicates the frequency at which the Devices of this Product are checked for connectivity.

In addition, each Device can also have an optional keepAliveThreshold, which specifies the frequency at which this specific Device is checked for connectivity. A value in this field overrides the keepAlive field of the Device’s Product.

hubId String Specifies the ID of the hub if there are sensors connected to the hub. This hub ID belongs to the field gateway. Null indicates that it is the hub itself. Device


hubPrimaryKey and


String The Thing’s primary and secondary keys in the Azure Microsoft Cloud IoT hub. Device


strong>customId String The Device’s unique identifier in an external system. This enables the correlation of the Axonize Device ID with the external system’s Device ID. Device
keepAliveThreshold Integer The frequency at which this specific Device is checked for connectivity (in minutes). A value in this field overrides the keepAlive field of the Device’s Product. The isConnected property of this Device indicates the connectivity status of the Device. Device
isAlarmed Boolean True if an alarm is currently active in the Axonize System for this Device.

Alarms can be dismissed in the Axonize Portal or using the Axonize Device API.

virtualDeviceStatus String/Enum If this is a Virtual Device, then this property specifies the status of this Device. The options are as follows –

  • Not Available
  • Started
  • Stopped
virtualDeviceEvents String If this is a Virtual Device, then this property is the actual string of its Event Manifest. Device
redisKey String For Internal use. The key of the Device in the Redis cache. Device
streamUrl String The URL of the stream sent by this Device. Device
parentId String The logical parent of this thing as opposed to hub ID (described above) which is the physical parent. Device


name String The name of this Thing. Y Device


appId String The Application to which this Thing belongs.

This is generated by Axonize and sent in the response to Applications/Post.



userDefinedLocation Object The Device’s GPS coordinates as defined when the Device was created, or its definition was modified. This enables the Device/event to be represented on a map.

“address”: “string”,

“lat”: 0,

“lng”: 0,

“updateDate”: “2018-02-21T16:06:34.725Z”

currentLocation Object The Device’s GPS coordinates at the time of the event, which enable the Device/event to be represented on a map.

“address”: “string”,

“lat”: 0,

“lng”: 0,

“updateDate”: “2018-02-21T16:06:34.725Z”

If the Device sent a GPS location reading after a User defined location was set, then the current location is the GPS data from the Device.

coords Object The coordinates specifying the location of this Device in the diagram provided by the customer.

“x”: 0,

“y”: 0

Settings Array of Objects Settings is an array of setting properties. Each setting property represents an Axonize Thing object property to be modified on a physical Device in order to affect its functionality.

The Axonize Device SDK must be set up to monitor this Axonize Thing object property in order to trigger the proper functionality on the Device.

“settings”: [


“name”: “string”,

“desiredValue”: “string”,

“reportedValue”: “string”,

“lastSync”: “2018-08-24T11:14:32.000Z”,

“version”: 0




settings/name String A free-text name for the property. This name must be recognized on the physical Device. Device


settings/desiredValue String The value to be assigned to this property on the physical device. Device


settings/reportedValue String The value received from the updated physical Device by the Axonize Device SDK as the updatedValue, after it has been updated. This value should be the same as the desiredValue (described above). Device


settings/lastSync DateTime The last timestamp when a reading was received from the Device. Device


settings/version Integer Not in use Device


ancestors Array Lists the IDs of the ancestor Devices (parents, parents of parents and so on) of this Device, in no particular order.

“ancestors”: [


“id”: “564117c213826b303c123456”,

“name”: “Gateway 5”



“id”: “564201c084a83518b8123456”,

“name”: “Fridge 23”





lastReadings An Array of Readings This is the event sent by the Thing. This property comprises the following properties. Device


lastReadings/type Integer The type of this event is defined in the Event Manifest. For example, an event whose type equals 7 represents a temperature event. Device


lastReadings/datetime Date The timestamp of the event as inserted in the event by the Thing. This date includes the time zone of the Thing.

Note The Thing can enter any date/time, not necessarily the exact time that the event occurred.



lastReadings/name String The name of the event. Device


lastReadings/value String The value of the reading. For example, the temperature. Device


lastReadings/unit String The unit of the reading. For example, whether the temperature is Celsius or Fahrenheit. Device


lastReadings/deviceId String The unique identifier of the specific Thing. Device


commandsProtocol String/Enum The protocol used by the Axonize Device SDK to connect to the cloud. The default is AMQP. The options are as follows –

  • Undefined
  • HTTP
  • AMQP
  • Modbus
  • SNMP
  • Test


lastReadingTime ate The time that the last reading was received by the Axonize Server from the Thing. Device


topic Obsolete Device
defaultLocation JSON The GPS coordinates that were defined when the entity was created or its definition was modified. This enables the entity to be represented on a map.

This location is automatically assigned to all entities in the group to which no specific location was defined.

By default, Devices are each assigned this default location, meaning the location of the Group to which they belong. However, if the GPS  userDefinedLocation property is defined for a specific Device, then that location overrides this one.

“address”: “string”,

“lat”: 0,

“lng”: 0,

“updateDate”: “2018-02-21T16:06:34.725Z”

info String Free text describing this group. Group
diagram tring An internal link to a map resource file that can be used in this Application instead of Google Maps. Group
users or devices String A list of the unique identifiers of the entities in the Group. For example, the identifiers of Devices or Users.

“users”: [


“id”: “string”,

“name”: “string”


thingType Enum 0 For device 1 for Group Device


TemplateId String The group instance template Id Obsolete (Use ProductId Field) Group
CalendarSettings CalendarSettings The device calendar settings Device
IsScrubbed Bool Internal use Device
ProfileIds List<string> Internal use Device


alarmInstancesCount int The number of alarms on the device Device

Example JSON Things/Get Request

curl –location –request GET ‘’ \

–header ‘Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*’ \

–header ‘appId: 4eec315a-58b1-4c53-98c9-aff93bec60cd’ \

–header ‘Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate’