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POST /odata/Tenants


To create a new Tenant or Sub-tenant.

See the following for request and response details ‒

See Also

Request ‒ Tenants/Post

Property Type Description Mandatory
active Boolean Specifies whether the Tenant is active, meaning that it can be used – True/False.
appId String The unique identifier of this Tenant’s Master Application that is generated automatically. A Master Application is the Application that enables the management of all/any of the Applications within a Tenant and all its
Sub-tenants. Each Tenant has a single Master Application.
subdomain String The subdomain is the unique identifier of the Tenant and is also used as the Tenant URL, [tenant subdomain] Y
parentId String Specifies the ID of the parent Tenant of this Tenant. This property enables you to define Sub-tenants.

This property is mandatory because external users are only allowed to create sub‑Tenants.

name String The Tenant’s name. Y
ancestors Array Lists the IDs of the ancestor Tenants (parents, parents of parents and so on) of this Tenant, in no particular order.
parentId String Specifies the ID of the parent Tenant of this Tenant. This property enables you to define Sub-tenants.
urls Array of Strings Enter your own URL here in order to enable this Tenant to be accessed via this URL instead of the default URL provided by Axonize, which uses

Important Notes ‒ These URLs must be coordinated with Axonize support in order to be handled properly. Make sure to contact Axonize support and get their authorization to use specific URLs.

applications Array of Applica-tions Not in use.
additionalProperties Array of serviceProperty Not in use.
region String Not in use.
logo String Not in use (deprecated). A link to the logo representing the Tenant to be used in the Axonize Portal.
color String Not in use (deprecated). Specifies the color of the light theme used when displaying the Axonize Portal. The color is specified in Hex Color code format.

For example, white is #FFFFFF.

colorDark String Not in use (deprecated). Specifies the color of the dark theme used when displaying the Axonize Portal. The color is specified in Hex Color code format.

For example, black is #000000.

cultureInfo String Not in use (deprecated). Default localization information of the Application. These standard options include the language of the Application and are described at
reportPrefix String Not in use (deprecated). The name of the report generated for this Tenant.
reportColor String Not in use (deprecated). Specifies the background color of the generated report. The color is specified in Hex Color code format. For example, white is #FFFFFF.
timezone String Not in use (deprecated). The default timezone of the Tenant.


passwordPolicy Not in use (deprecated). The password policy for logging into this Tenant. If a Sub-tenant has a password policy, then it overrides the Tenant. If the Application of this Tenant has a password policy, then it overrides the Tenant’s password Policy.

See below.

passwordPolicy/maxPasswordLength Integer Not in use (deprecated). The maximum length of the password.
passwordPolicy/minPasswordLength Integer Not in use (deprecated). The minimum length of the password.
passwordPolicy/numberOfDifferentCharTypes Integer Not in use (deprecated). The minimum number of characters in the password that must be different from each other.
passwordPolicy/mustBeDifferentFromUserName Boolean Not in use (deprecated). True if the password must be different than the user name.
security Object Not in use (deprecated). Currently, the only security option is captchaSettings, as described below.
captchaSettings Object Not in use (deprecated). The captcha settings.
captchaSettings/Enabled Boolean Not in use (deprecated). Indicates whether captcha is enabled or disabled.
captchaSettings/authenticationAttemptsAllowed Integer Not in use (deprecated). The number of attempts you are allowed to solve this captcha.
templateId String Specifies the ID of the Tenant Manifest (template) used by the Tenant.

If no value is specified, the default value is automatically used.

settings Object Specifies the settings to be applied in the Tenant Manifest (template). These settings override the values in the Tenant Manifest (template) assigned to the Tenant.
settings/logo String A link to the logo representing the Tenant to be used in the Axonize Portal.
settings/color String Specifies the color of the light theme used when displaying the Axonize Portal. The color is specified in Hex Color code format.

For example, white is #FFFFFF.

settings/colorDark String Specifies the color of the dark theme used when displaying the Axonize Portal. The color is specified in Hex Color code format.

For example, black is #000000.

settings/cultureInfo String Default localization information of the Application. These standard options include the language of the Application and are described at
settings/reportPrefix String The name of the report generated for this Tenant.
settings/reportColor String Specifies the background color of the generated report. The color is specified in Hex Color code format. For example, white is #FFFFFF.
settings/timezone String The default timezone of the Tenant.


settings/passwordPolicy The password policy for logging into this Tenant. If a Sub-tenant has a password policy, then it overrides the Tenant. If the Application of this Tenant has a password policy, then it overrides the Tenant’s password Policy.

See below.

settings/passwordPolicy/maxPasswordLength Integer The maximum length of the password.
settings/passwordPolicy/minPasswordLength Integer The minimum length of the password.
settings/passwordPolicy/numberOfDifferentCharTypes Integer The minimum number of characters in the password that must be different from each other.
settings/passwordPolicy/mustBeDifferentFromUserName Boolean True if the password must be different than the user name.
settings/security Object Currently, the only security option is captchaSettings, as described below.
settings/captchaSettings Object The captcha settings.
settings/captchaSettings/Enabled Boolean Indicates whether captcha is enabled or disabled.
settings/captchaSettings/authenticationAttemptsAllowed Integer The number of attempts you are allowed to solve this captcha.

Example JSON Tenants/Post Request

curl -X POST \ \

-H ‘Authorization: Token’ \

-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

-H ‘tenantId: 801A048A-9F23-429F-BF0D-B6D35B22771E’ \

-d ‘{

“name”:”tenant name”,



Response ‒ Tenants/Post

All the same properties in the request are returned in the response. In addition, the response that is returned also contains the following properties –

Property Type Description
id String A unique identifier for this Tenant that is automatically generated. Please note that this ID is only intended for internal use by Axonize.
tenantId String A unique identifier that is automatically generated by Axonize for this Tenant.

This property is used to link between other entities (such as Users and Devices) and this Tenant.

createDate, createUser, updateDate,
See Common Response Properties.

Example JSON Tenants/Post Response

Status 201 – Created


“@odata.context”: “$metadata#Tenants/$entity”,

“active”: false,

“appId”: “801A048A-9F23-429F-BF0D-B6D35B22771E”,

“subdomain”: “fcm2m”,

“logo”: null,

“cultureInfo”: null,

“reportPrefix”: null,


“parentId”: null,

“name”: “fcm2m”,

“id”: “5851631d4e41925b98f01234”,

“createDate”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00Z”,

“createUser”: null,

“updateDate”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00Z”,

“updateUser”: null,

“passwordPolicy”: null,

“security”: null,

“ancestors”: []
