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POST /odata/Reports/[id]/sendReportEmail


Sends the specified reports (according to the report id in the request) to specific Users (a single time). The ID of a report is returned in the response to the Reports/Post and Reports/Get endpoints.

See the following for request and response details ‒

See Also

Request ‒ Reports/[id]/sendReportEmail

Property Type Description Mandatory
id String This is the unique identifier automatically assigned by Axonize when a Report is created. This id is returned in the response of Reports/Post. Y
subscriberUserId String An array of user Ids to whom to send the specified report once. User Ids are returned in the Users/Post response.

Example JSON Reports/[id]/sendReportEmail Request

curl -X POST \\

-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

-H ‘Authorization: Token’ \

-H ‘appId: be517433-c4b8-4748-9258-1b1234567890’ \

-d ‘{“subscriberUserId”: “59312b3cc9f8be1112345678”}’

Response ‒ Reports/[id]/sendReportEmail

All the same properties in the request are returned in the response.

Example JSON Reports/[id]/sendReportEmail Response

Status 200 – OK