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DataFeed Providers


In order to allow our customers to integrate into 3rd party systems for either legacy support or extending the platform with additional capabilities such as advanced machine learning, axonize allows you to create a data feed which will stream the data to either a messaging service or an endpoint. The data granularity can either be at a tenant level or an application level. Once created/updated it can take up to 5 minutes for changes to get applied to the stream processing. Currently, it supports azure event hub or any HTTP endpoint.


DataFeedProviders/Patch or DataFeedProviders/Put or DataFeedProviders/Post

Create or update an existing Axonize DataFeed for streaming the data.


Example JSON DataFeedProviders/Post Request (event hub)

curl –location –request POST ‘’ \

–header ‘appId: f51df5bf-8d3c-4ba5-9574-3f3b8d6a26bd’ \

–header ‘Authorization: YOURTOKENHERE’ \

–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

–data-raw ‘{

“dataFeedType” : “EventHub”,

“eventHubFeedProviderSettings” : {

“eventHubName” : “YourEventHub”,

“connectionString” : “Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=PJ+vYB6l9fPPf+YNzkGiSb8bwpHpTivga9DlWqi4E5M=”


“appIds” : [“f51df5bf-8d3c-1115-9574-3f3b8d6a55bd”],

“tenantIds” : [“5e086e36e3b0ca3be478f5b9”]

}’ ‘


Example JSON DataFeedProviders/Post Request (http)

curl –location –request POST ‘’ \

–header ‘appId: f51df5bf-8d3c-4ba5-9574-3f3b8d6a26bd’ \

–header ‘Authorization: YOURTOKENHERE’ \

–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

–data-raw ‘ {

“dataFeedType” : “HTTP”,

“httpFeedProviderSettings” : {

“url” : “”,

“contentType” : “application/json”,

“batchSize” : “0”,

“headers” : [

{“key”: “AuthorizationToExternalSystem”,

“value” : “123456”


“method” : “POST”


“appIds” : [“213a7624-c590-4b4c-b15a-7844d8902ce9”]

}’ ‘


Put/Patch – any field may be updated except appId and id


Request ‒ DataFeedProvider

Property Type Description Mandatory
dataFeedType String/Enum The type of data feed provider

§ EventHub


appIds Array AppIds (not application/id) of applications that should be streamed to this data feed. Note: this is not hierarchical, all apps that should be streamed must be explicitly given. Either this or tenantIds must be provided.
tenantIds Array tenant/id of tenants that should be streamed to this data feed. Note: this is not hierarchical, all tenants that should be streamed must be explicitly given. All applications directly in the tenant will be streamed. Either this or appIds must be provided.
eventHubFeedProviderSettings/eventHubName String The name of the eventhub. If using eventhub type – yes
eventHubFeedProviderSettings/ connectionString String The connection string for the event hub namespace where the event hub is located. If using eventhub type – yes
httpFeedProviderSettings/headers Array Array of json objects with “key” and “value” values in each object. This will be used as the headers in the request where the events will be sent. This can be used for setting authorization or any headers needed. See example. If using http type – yes
httpFeedProviderSettings/url String The url to send the events to. If using http type – yes
httpFeedProviderSettings/contentType String ·       “application/json”

·       “application/xml”

If using http type – yes
httpFeedProviderSettings/batchSize String  A positive integer, if 0 is set messages will be sent one by one, otherwise max number of messages in each batch will be batchsize, data will arrive in an array of messages. If using http type – yes
httpFeedProviderSettings/method String ·       POST

·       GET

·       PUT

If using http type – yes