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GET api/dashboards/GetByAppId/[appId]


Retrieves the list of Dashboards to which the user has permissions (based on the appId), including all the widgets that each contains.

See the following for request and response details ‒

See Also

Request ‒ Dashboards/GetByAppId

Property Type Description Mandatory
appId String A unique Application identifier that is automatically generated by Axonize. This is the identifier of the Application to which this Dashboard is assigned.

Example JSON Dashboards/GetByAppId Request

curl -X GET \ \

-H ‘Cache-Control: no-cache’ \

-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

-H ‘appId: 1aaf017c-b987-4f53-94d6-ad9afb8e4767’

Response ‒ Dashboards/GetByAppId

For each Dashboard, the response provides the properties in Dashboards/Post.

Example JSON Dashboards/GetByAppId Response

Status 200 – OK



“widgets”: [


“layout”: {

“x”: 0,

“y”: 0,

“w”: 2,

“h”: 1


“widget”: “1”,

“id”: “7db7c7b6-ac51-4b59-b8ed-793cd6c27803”,

“settings”: {

“title”: “Test”,

“type”: “Connected Devices”,

“groups”: [





“style”: {

“backgroundColor”: “#423b9c”,

“color”: “#fff”




“layout”: {

“x”: 0,

“y”: 3,

“w”: 4,

“h”: 2


“widget”: “4”,

“id”: “76c5f996-71bc-45d2-bab1-78efc2fbda30”,

“settings”: {

“title”: “Map”,

“hierarchy”: true,

“groups”: [




“style”: {

“backgroundColor”: “#423b9c”,

“color”: “#fff”




“layout”: {

“x”: 0,

“y”: 1,

“w”: 3,

“h”: 2


“widget”: “6”,

“id”: “9d3f5bc0-7510-4b81-8d6f-ea640d5df0f7”,

“settings”: {

“title”: “Container1”,

“device”: “5a96948e71da9b06b0f93863”,

“reading”: “{\”type\”:31,\”name\”:\”Speed\”}”


“style”: {

“backgroundColor”: “#F9BA06”,

“color”: “#fff”




“name”: “MirvacUseCase”,

“id”: “5ae12030653e6d7ba3176dc5”,

“appId”: “7c483e9f-9a66-4207-8986-0777693b3b86”,

“createUser”: null,

“updateUser”: null

