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POST /api/auth/resendMultifactorBindingCode


Resends the MFA binding code to the user. For more details, see ‘Logging In Using Multi-factor Authentication.’

See the following for request and response details:

See Also

Request ‒ Auth/resendMultifactorBindingCode

This request uses the MFA token, authenticatorCode and bindingCode provided to the user in the MFA login response (by SMS or email).

Response  Auth/resendMultifactorBindingCode

Property Type Description
token String The MFA authentication token that can be used to access the Axonize system.
authenticator String The Axonize authenticator provider.
email String The email address of the user.
url String The URL of the user’s email.

Example JSON Auth/resendMultifactorBindingCode Response

Status – 200 OK


   “authenticator”: “Default,

   “email”: “string”,

   “url”: “string”